Games don’t ruin your brain; they make you better and smarter

Derek Ortega
1 min readFeb 22, 2021

I interviewed my classmate, and I will be writing an Anecdote about Patrick Pamanian.
December 3, 1994, was a time to be alive when Sony changed the gaming world, they just launched the first PlayStation that year, and many memories come from that, forgetting that console that year.
Pablo has the fire that ignites him to become a writer because he has the talent to become a successful journalist, and he knows an area he wants to excel in. At a young age, he knew that he has the right tools to become a writer, so that became a passion that eventually would lead him to take journalism classes at a community college on to CSUN. That’s Esports; he notices that it’s becoming an exciting area to follow. Most YouTubers are getting the spotlight on them by just playing video games and knowing that having the right motivation and branching out to people that’s a way to get yourself noticed.



Derek Ortega

CSUN Journalism Student, Yeezy Collector, Charles Bukowski fan boy, and X-Files Agent :D